Universe Ideas Wiki
Neobiontomania Ferraccoon

Ferraccoon - one of the Neobionts from the Neobiontomania universe.

Profile on the computer:

  • Type: Metal
  • Character: Neutral
  • Size: Length approx. 50 cm + tail approx. 25 cm, height approx. 20 cm on straightened limbs in a four-legged position
  • Human Origin: No.
  • Sapient: No.
  • Body type: Raccoon
  • Systematics: Raccoons
  • Abilities: Intelligence, agility, dexterity, endurance
  • Natural Weapons: Teeth, claws, and armour under the skin


Similar to a raccoon but slightly larger. Coat essentially gray with a metallic sheen. The "mask", the inside of the ears and the stripes on the tail are blue. Gray stripes on the tail and hair on most of the face (except the mask) lighter than the rest of the gray parts of the body. Belly white. Eye colors vary (usually gray, yellow or blue), nose is black, shiny. Significant thickenings on the elbows and knees, caused by metal armor plates under the skin. The front paws have four fingers with the opposite thumb, the rear paws three, all ending in large, sharp, metal claws on each of the four limbs. Iron coated bones for added strength.


It may seem skittish and even aggressive at first, but it can be tame quite easily.


It can be found quite often in urban areas, especially in scrap yards and dumpsters. Sometimes it also lives in forests.


Highly intelligent for an non-sapient being (apparently somewhere between a human and a bonobo). Iron bone reinforcement and subcutaneous armor make it durable. The fingers of the front paws are very skillful. Sharp teeth and metal claws are dangerous weapons. Despite these features, however, it is surprisingly agile, it can climb trees well, and even swim (as soon as its claws rust - but fortunately it is difficult to bring them to this state - it can immediately replace them with new, fresh ones). Under the skin on the tail, overlapping metal armor plates are hidden, slightly resembling the sides of cylinders, truncated cones or just cones - thanks to this, the tail, if necessary, can be used as a kind of a club. It has quite strong senses, especially touch.


It can become magnetized. It is quite sensitive to plasma and lightning (unless it manages to ground the latter).


Omnivorous, it often eats from garbage cans.

Known examples[]

Franky (Greg's Ferraccoon)

Translations to the other languages[]

  • English: Ferraccoon
  • German: der Eisenwaschbär
  • Polish: Ferroszop
  • Spanish: el Mapachierro