Universe Ideas Wiki

This is the Animated and from C.A.P. Comic series and also Only for Age 14 to Upper Ages to Watch

No. Image Title Sypnosis
1. Family Buisness (PILOT) Follow Grim Reaper for his life with he's Wife and Daughter and also he's Brother and Sister in Cadentropiles before and after he done he's infinite Job.
2. Brother Day Grim Reaper and Eric spend they day as Brothers.
3. Speed Of Light Sill Reaper and Reverse Tries to Work they relationships out when Grim Reaper done the Stupidiest Thing of his life.
4. Welcome To Hell Eric gets Sued From Heaven of stealing the Glorious Donut.
5. In The Days Of Death This Story took place how Grim Reaper spend he's day being himself.
6. Limbos & Nightmares When Grim, Eric, and Marzanna's Father El comes to town. This is Family Matters
7. Origins of Lips Grim Reaper Forgets the 600th Anniversery of He's and Barb Reaper's Marriages.