Stormknight - one of the species of the Neobionts from the universe of Neobiontomania.
Profile on computer:[]
- Type: Electric / Metal
- Character: Neutral
- Body Type: Winged Knight
- Size: 2 m
- Rational: Yes
- Human Origin: No.
- Systematics: Protozoa
- Abilities: Electrokinesis, super strength, speed, flying, endurance, electricity absorption, mixotrophism, anaerobic respiration
- Natural Weapons: Thunderblade, metal projectiles
It looks like a metal, yellow-silver knight or a robot with characteristic wings on its back. Eyes usually blue. There may be elements on the head, such as combs similar in shape to the plumes of Roman centurions. There is a transparent stripe running across the sternum, glowing in the same color as the eyes, as well as LED-like elements on the shoulders, palms and soles of the feet. All of these translucent elements shine especially brightly when the Stormknight uses his electrokinetic powers. In combat, he uses a short sword known as the Thunderblade.
They are usually serious and courageous as well as honest and calm. But when something threatens them and / or someone else's life, they can turn into very dangerous killing machines.
They can usually be found where there are abundant metal deposits. They also like the company of storms. But because they are rational beings, relatively many of them also live in human cities.
They are physically very strong and can fly quickly. They can also generate electrical discharges and absorb them to amplify themselves. What's more, they are also very resistant to electrical discharges as well as a lot of physical damage. Their metallic bodies also provide them with increased resistance to high and low temperatures. They can also breathe anaerobically (which allows them to persevere in anaerobic conditions) and produce their food through chemosynthesis. They can also fire small, electrified projectiles that act a bit like throwing knives.
As Electricity Neobionts, they are vulnerable to plasma damage. There is an upper limit to the amount of electricity they can absorb. Their metal parts can be damaged by acid.
Omnivorous, like humans. But, as mentioned above, they can also feed themselves via chemosynthesis. In addition, the electricity absorbed by them can play the role of food in their case.
Known examples[]
Greg's Stormknight
Translated to other languages:[]
- English: Stormknight
- Esperanto: Ŝtormkavaliro
- German: der Sturmritter
- Polish: Burzorycerz